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Interpreting IT

Your advocate and adviser in Information Technology
for small to medium enterprise


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Bringing 30+ years of business and corporate IT skills to your business

Small to Medium Enterprise (SME’s)  like to focus on what they are good at, their core business rather than invest in senior Information Technology Resources.

We fill this gap through flexible engagements so you can maintain your competitive advantage. 

Interpreting Technical Documents and Proposals

Need and experienced eye to look over a complex technical proposal? Will it deliver what the vendor promises?

Advising and coaching

Acting both as an independent advocate and adviser, including individual and team briefing and coaching, we are on your side. Specialising in management and executive coaching in IT


Translating business to Technology

We work to understand your business so that the technology you choose is appropriate, and meets business requirements

Communicating with the Digital Natives

Your team and Your customers increasingly include “Digital Natives” along with competent users and the digitally naive.

We like to think this means you need us and we consider ourselves “Digital anthropologists”

Have you failed to tap the potential?

pwc modelling estimates 
$49.2 billion 
of untapped economic potential (NPV, 10 years)
Source pwc Growth Report


with some studies suggesting a 20% increase in annual revenue


of this benefit could be realised in rural and regional Australia

Our approach

We provide SME’s with a “first port of call” for Information technology advice with simple value guaranteed engagements.  Tap into the knowledge and experience of large corporations with extensive resources without the same overheads. You only pay for what you need and do not need to enter into long and expensive contracts. We act as an adviser and advocate who can help you get the best from other providers by InterpretingIT 

Are we the Right Choice for you?

Business needs are as diverse as the number of businesses. To see if our possibly unique approach to supporting Small to Medium Enterprise is right for you, contact us by phone or email, for a free 15 minute Question and answer or to arrange a more detailed review of your requirements.
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Technology for SME’s

With advances in Internet and cloud technology small to medium enterprise can easily access the technology of big business to improve competitiveness and productivity
A few examples are;


Already know what you need?

If you have come to InterpretingIT already knowing the advice or support you need, we are building a range of Quick engagement tools, do you need to;

  • Have a complex technical document reviewed?
  • Need advice on a technology Project?
  • Need help getting up to speed in a technical speciality?
  • Need help preparing technical requirements to take to market?

Reach Us

Email us at anytime or call in Office hours 9am to 6pm Australian Eastern time

2A Fenchmans Road
Randwick, NSW

+61 [0]407 55 88 47

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